DRONE – The definition; for a drone is characterized as unmanned aircraft systems with four wings powered by battery system to enable this object to fly, there is a remote control that make it possible to control as it fly, in history of drone it was developed to overcome the limitations of conducting aerial photographing, research in the land use and agriculture activities in areas difficult to access,
Since it was developed it opens a business and opportunities for companies to come with new design to meet the need of the people, who are likely to use this device in their field of interest,
There is no drone that is having an electric cable connected to it while flying only uses that cable for the purpose of charging it for a preparation of a next flight, uses was intended for military flight operations in the early beginning before a four propellers type was given out from industries,
that comes with more stable support and make possible for small items to be carried out with these flying objects these will be explained in the coming paragraphs on the best uses of these drones, prices are ranging depending on a type in use design and performance of the battery power to fly it in the sky through uses that are prepared for when buying it from the shop,
The explanation; on the drone focus on users who must learn major elements and equipment on how to safely control this flying object, there is a certificate of approval when seems necessary by the user,
it can be taken from the responsible authority, important function is their capabilities to go high and able to carry small objects to use in investigations and research a common electronic device carried on this device is a video camera such as Go Pro, it has been providing help in areas of survey which the users find this device profitable in their working environment and business related because of profit they generate when having a better services to their customers who appreciate a work done and request for further services from studios that are working with photographs and images that are taken from sky,
previously they uses a small airplane to take photographs but now things have change and even save the cost of renting an airplane with simple information that can be collected when altitude is increased and a drone being able to allow a camera footage that looks the same as the one taken from an airplane that is low flying above that area, social activities that involve many people are easy to be recorded now,
The appearance; of this device is four wings drone with propellers nose pointing upwards which has a fixed four section used for instant landings and takeoffs in any flat surface except water, at the centre of it there is a space for including a small object for flying, additionally it contain a receiver and transmitter in a remote controller systems installed into this unmanned aircraft system,
lights has a unique appearance on this device when fly it at night time, designers has been developing new shapes to cope with various appearance and new way to control this device was improved, also they are used to attract new visitors who are planning to buy these sophisticated tools that are in use in locations that are having difficulties of reaching them,
then what is having benefits with appearance is to make more sales at first time a custom shape that comes out for the first time trend for some years before another one comes out this is depending on what is made from the industry as a part of it was done through some chances to include things that are more related to what it is given on ways to make implementations of what it was seen to work the best in the current market many shapes and color include lights were added to drones,
The color; basically was white which was among the first unmanned aircraft to be produced when no one had ideas about remote control type of airplane, except for the military which they use unmanned aircraft types with silver or grey color for years but in military mission operations,
but later the companies started producing more color commonly black ones and reduce the price because small equipments enable the manufacturing process, to bring a product that is affordable to the users that was an improvements in the development of drones color designs, first one was a white color drone that has a four propeller blades and a large size including a centre holder in use to carry small items that are to be transported to some places that might be difficult to see,
then another one comes with a black color which was also good one when working with it in areas that are covered with a different color it is easy to spot it and a remote control is having the same color that hold a screen to use as a guide for controlling a drone usually a smart phone application is in use to make a better recording of images and videos from any distance towards places that no one is able to stand and take a footage,
The size; ranges from small going upward increasing but the smaller versions has been designed to be easily transported and carried even in bags for tourists who are visiting places with interest of taking photographs from above the buildings or mountain ranges or best for small locations that involve nature that are likely to be hard to penetrate example in thorny trees,
as size developed to increase more system more capabilities to fly with advanced equipments such as huge video cameras or small tanks for spraying in agriculture field whenever there is a demand of using this drones users always choose a size depending on a bag to be carried as many of them nowadays
prefer small sizes ones that comes with folded parts to be extended for a purpose of flight operations more reasons to that is easy in handling when traveling but large ones especially first released models were in use many places for activities that are still in use these days, when size is keep on increasingly also prices tends to rise depending on a company that is manufacturing these drones in some areas, special events needs a professional design as photographers are using types that are employed with them for a reason to some places,
The features; that these drone are made with the first one is the remote controller which is a separate device but has a wireless connection to control it, there is training to this drones and usually they are simple to perform, an operational manual is another feature which is included in the box, it is possible for anyone to conduct a self training using this documents to safely control it but there is a permission required by the authority for a person in charge of this drones, here is required to apply for a license or a certificate to fly it,
there is no tough exams and practices to get this license everything has been made simple, what is more advanced is a wireless system that can be studied by the uses of a manual that comes inside a box to help connect and record images but it takes sometimes to practice how to fly a drone,
sponsored events might be a good chance to try when a company is announce new releases or a shop is advertising products there are people who are professional in controlling drones at some distance above the ground, remote controls are having different shapes and sizes depending on a type that was purchased once fingers are in use to make a good control then anyone is able to fly it,
The uses; of this drones has now been successful in many fields that previously seems not to work, it was used initially for video recording using small video cameras such as Go Pro but later the tourists starting find them useful as it can fly into a danger location at take a footage of animal, valley or anything which may endanger the safety of a human being, research to find out the truth about something, news or fact finding,
in tall buildings it was difficult to get a chance of taking a good footage from sideways or from the top, some years back they use helicopters for film from the sky downwards, but the same is applicable for a drone that is able to reach a tall building and take the same images what makes a different is the size of camera being carried and a good news is that even small cameras are having highest definitions the same or even better than large cameras,
despite of operations in the military that uses special mission aircrafts that are also under remote controls these ones are able to function the same way but for civilian uses with no movements to a long distance to be covered only short ones that is maintained through a range of frequency in use or Bluetooth wireless connection,
The operations; of this device is regarded as safe as the pilot of drones hold certificates to operate them in any location, there is a training on how to safely operate it without causing effects on the ground, further more this devices are now in use almost in every country in the world, for departments of security and companies
or organizations involved with research, also the manufacture has been operating these types of drones for many years to come up with more designs and developments which has been now in use as a results of more invested ideas on the new look to power the market of this drones,
a license is now needed even a training to operate this drone safely for some countries they issue that as a legal permission not to interfere with other activities such as entering into an airspace that is operated with airplanes of more powerful engines that has some problems when a drone will pass and entering inside a jet and causes an engine failure problem that is a serious incidence and may lead to a plane crash,
these are things that are avoided as a training is always short to complete and does not spend a lot of time even a price to pay for that course and license for operations is relatively cheaper as it is discussed below,
The price; for buying is more expensive than the price for buying a video game, consider an amount of more than one thousand US dollars when planning to own a drone, there are used ones which they can be found with less price but they are working as new ones what makes a difference they have been under ownership of someone else before, modern ones which come with new additional features and systems are relatively more expensive and sometimes it size of the drone doesn’t matter when comparing with the price,
one can find a drone which is small but expensive, while some places are selling a drone that is costing less than one thousand US dollars having a small size and unable to carry out a long distance flight operations,
decision regarding which one to take is made depending on amount of money a person is having in a pocket and time spending on websites of companies in use to manufacture these drones will make anyone have a good solution on which type to buy for a reason of uses it for normal working activities,
that a drone is able to do them including that of photographs, but more opportunities can be an additional advantage to when a work related to that happen on the way,
The conclusion; for this unmanned aircraft service, has a lot of advantages because videos which seems to be hard to record now has been made easy, here is based on how photographers get difficulties in positioning camera for best shooting, but drones has been made with gears to hold a camera that can auto rotate smoothly in any direction and even go higher or in positions that is possible for a normal human being to reach,
There are many advantages to this device but importantly they are very useful and they have been made technology more advanced since the recording using drones has been used,
to make work more professional with footages from the sky that makes more sells to places with a demand of some places where people were not able to have a good stand for taking a photos
or recording videos including cliffs that are dangerous but a simple drone can be fixed with a camera then continue to a lower or upper levels of a cliff bringing new appearance of places where they were taken from a long distance even birds in a tall trees can be taken in a photography or a video when it was really hard work to climb on top then to place a camera and wait for additional feedback later when a camera is removed,