PROTTERS AND PROTRACTORS are essential navigation tools for pilots, used for charting courses, measuring distances, and calculating headings. Here are the types and features commonly found in aviation-specific plotters and protractors:
1. Aviation Plotters
- Rotating Plotters: Feature a rotating compass rose that allows pilots to measure headings and bearings directly on the plotter, making it easy to align with the north on a sectional chart.
- Fixed Arm Plotters: These are simpler plotters with a straightedge and pre-marked nautical miles for measuring distances along a chart.
- Course Plotters with Scales: Include mileage scales for both statute miles and nautical miles, enabling easy measurement regardless of chart type.
- Multi-Scale Plotters: Have scales for various chart scales (1:500,000, 1:1,000,000) and are useful for different types of charts or maps.
- Jeppesen-style Plotters: Specifically designed with Jeppesen chart scales in mind, these plotters often include both nautical and statute mile scales, as well as user-friendly compass roses.
- Compact Plotters: Small plotters designed for easy storage in a flight bag or kneeboard, perfect for cockpit use where space is limited.
2. Protractors for Aviation
- Standard 360-Degree Protractors: Full-circle protractors that help pilots and navigators determine angles and bearings relative to north, useful for detailed chart work.
- Square or Rectangular Protractors: Often have a built-in ruler, allowing for easier alignment with chart lines and simpler measurement of angles.
- Parallel Protractors: Feature parallel lines to transfer angles between points without moving the protractor itself, helpful in plotting routes on paper charts.
- Azimuth Protractors: Specialized protractors that include a rotating bezel for determining compass bearings, often used in conjunction with plotting tools for precise angle measurement.
3. Combination Plotters and Protractors
- Two-in-One Tools: Combine a plotter and protractor in one tool, featuring a straight edge for measuring distances and a rotating compass rose or protractor for measuring bearings.
- Military-style Combination Plotters: These are designed for high durability and include both plotting and angle measurement capabilities, popular for tactical or military flight planning.
4. Navigation Dividers and Compasses
- Dividers: Used alongside plotters to measure distances on charts by “walking” the divider between two points. They’re usually adjustable for precise measurement in nautical or statute miles.
- Plotting Compasses: Used to draw circles or mark distances on charts, especially useful for large-area plotting or calculating radii from waypoints.
5. Digital and Electronic Plotters
- Digital Plotting Tools: Electronic plotters or apps on tablets that simulate traditional plotting functions, allowing for precise measurement and angle calculation on digital charts.
- Flight Planning Apps: Many digital tools have integrated protractors and plotters for those using electronic flight bags (EFBs) or tablet-based navigation aids.
6. Accessories and Add-ons for Plotters and Protractors
- Protective Sleeves and Cases: Keep plotters and protractors safe from scratches or damage, extending their lifespan.
- High-Contrast Markings: Some plotters have high-visibility markings to make reading easier in low-light cockpit conditions.
- Magnifying Plotters: Include a magnifying glass for easier reading of small print or fine detail on charts, especially useful for sectional charts with dense information.
These navigation tools are essential for both student pilots learning manual flight planning and experienced pilots needing accurate, reliable methods for route plotting and measurement on charts.